Contact us

Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Please feel free to call, email, or contact us through any of our social media sites. We welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you might have regarding the services and technology that we provide. For a quote, get in touch with us directly or fill out our online contact form to submit your case needs. We will review your requirements and promptly get you the information you need to meet your deadlines. Thank you for considering Visual Forensics as your legal presentation specialist.

San Diego and abroad!

We are located in Rancho Bernardo, San Diego but service the US and abroad. We work remotely with clients using conference and file transfer services that we can provide. In addition, we can travel to your destination for on-site 3D laser scanning, photography, videography, and investigation for recreation purposes.

Address: 11291 Paseo Montanoso, Suite 324 San Diego, California 92127

Phone: 858-472-2516